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Showing posts from April, 2022

The Boomi process extensions, and why you should use them.

Boomi process extensions allow developers to extend the process parameters based on the environment it is running on. It allows a process to connect to test systems when executing on a test environment and production systems on a prod environment. For this article, I am going to assume you have basic knowledge of process extensions. If you are new to this functionality, you can find more details at . While I believe the test/prod environment was the biggest reason for this feature, I would like to argue that it should be used across all processes, even in a single prod environment. The process extensions allow changing process behavior without re-deployment. The benefits of this are endless. You can apply hotfixes or change the component behavior, such as connection credentials, cross-reference table, and many more. Imagine a system that must change credentials every two months. With this feature, you can...